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When I add smaller fish to my aquarium, I do not see them ever again.  For example, I added two Assessors, two Mandarians and a Dottyback and have not seen them.  Water parameters are great.


My aquarium:


150g mixed reef

Blonde Naso Tang

Blue Hippo Tang

Gem Tang

Purple Tang

Sailfin Tang

White Tail Bristletooth Tang

Yellow Tank

One-Spot Foxface

Cleaner Wrasse

Lawnmower Blenny

Tailspot Blenny

Flame Angel

2 - Watanabei Angels

2 - Ocellaris Clowns


Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Thank you,




None of those fish are that aggressive to the ones you put in there. The dottyback would be my suspect. He is hiding inside the rocks and killing all the new fish coming to the neighborhood. 

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