tanknovice Posted December 4, 2018 Report Posted December 4, 2018 December 2, 2018 I wanted to take this opportunity to review some upcoming events and items of interest on the forums. The first upcoming event is the Holiday meeting and get together on December 8th starting at 4pm. This event has been moved to Denise’s (Ddzidlick1) home .We greatly appreciate Denise volunteering to be host of this can’t miss meeting. One of the great features of this meeting is a white Beluga gift exchange (formally known as the white elephant exchange) . The gift value limit should be $25 amd additional information for the December meeting information can be found here http://indmas.org/main/index.php?/forums/topic/18330-2018-indmas-holiday-party/ along with a sign up for what attendees might bring for food items for the pitch in The voting thread for the photo submission for the 2019 INDMAS calendar is closed and the calendars ordered there were only 25 calendars ordered this year. The cover photo winner will be getting a free copy of the calendar leaving only 24 up for grabs. These are available for pre-order as well as for payment and pickup at the December meeting. What a great gift idea and priced just right for the white Beluga gift exchange. Look for the T-shirt design contest to begin shortly with a deadline of submissions on December 22nd. This is the official T-shirt for the 2019 Frag swap. The voting thread will be open from 12/31 to 1/12 with the winner being announced at the January meeting. Speaking of the frag swap (which you will hear a lot about over the next few months… Save the Date the 2019 Frag swap will be held on March 16th 2019 at the Hendricks county Fairgrounds 1900 East Main street in Danville IN. We are working on an educational speaker for before the official start like last year along with a great line up of vendors hobbyist and prizes. Every year we cannot pull of this event without the help of the entire club. Look for volunteer opportunities coming your way. Remember to check out all of the forums at INDMAS.org. Feel free to post a question or if you know an answer to post it as well. As always if you have any ideas as to how we can make the club better or if you have a concern on something please do not hesitate to reach out to me. The current staff members can be found here http://indmas.org/main/index.php?/forums/topic/18301-welcome-2019-indmas-staff/ Mike Miller (Tanknovice) [email protected]
PaulS.46122 Posted December 10, 2018 Report Posted December 10, 2018 👍 were the results of the calendar posted somewhere?
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